Renaissance Villa | O Bosque (The Woods)
Built in the 16th century. O Bosque (The Woods) served as a local of leisure playground for the Dukes of Béjar, the Zúñiga. Erected in the hunting grounds that this family had kept since the Middle Ages, The Woods, it was idealized according to the Renaissance style that lived in Italy at the time.
It was common to have these Renaissance Villas inserted in beautiful landscapes in the countryside, still but very close to the urban center. These Villas were surrounded by stunning geometric gardens, gardens and open spaces such as meadows and woods. These were the places where families moved to for leisure.
For the realization of this Villa – The Grove (O Bosque) –, it was necessary to divert the section of a river, in order to supply the lake and all the sources, as well as to water all the spaces of this complex.