Move | Évora
By plane
The nearest airport to Évora is Humberto Delgado Airport in Lisbon, about 134km from the city by car.
You can rent a car at the airport, or go by train or take a bus to the Sete Rios bus station and then take a bus trip through the Rede de Expressos (Express Network) with direct connection to the city of Évora.
From the airport to Oporto, you can take a bus, a taxi, the Aerobus or the metro.
By Metro:
From Aerobus
Following the Aerobus trip you will reach the Sete Rios bus station, where the S. Sebastião train station is only a few meters away.
By Train
You can take the train from Lisbon to Évora. It lasts 1hour 30 minutes.
If should make the connection to Lisbon and from there by train to the next city of your itinerary. you want to go to cities in the Center - such as Fátima and Coimbra - and Northern Portugal - such as Braga and Porto -, you
By Bus
To enter and leave the city has several options through the Rede de Expressos (Network Expresses), with links with the cities of Lisbon (1h30 travel), Fátima, Coimbra, Porto and Braga.
From Lisbon you can take the Express Network bus with direct connection to Évora.
Check here the schedules, in Rede Expressos (Network Express).
By Car
Click on "mais opções” (more options) on the map below to choose and/or modify your path.