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August fair

15 Aug 2021 - 20 Aug 2021

The Fira de Xàtiva, or Fira d'Agosto, has existed since 1250, and was a privilege granted by King Jaume I. For five days Xátiva becomes a place full of light, color, and lots of fun, and its streets are filled with its inhabitants and tourists from many places in the world.

In its medieval origins, the fair was mainly a market for the sale of animals, namely horses. Although the commercial importance of this activity has diminished, the Livestock Fair is still preserved – attracting a large number of cattle breeders and thousands of visitors.

One of Fira's highlights is the Shooting and Dragging Competition. A traditional Valencian sport, which consists of running a horse loaded with a cart full of sandbags. This contest started in the 40s of the 20th century, when farmers wanted to remember the times when animals were fundamental for agriculture.

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The opening and closing ceremonies are an extraordinary event that is celebrated with brilliant nights of entertainment. One of the most genuine is the Albaes night, a type of traditional Valencian chant that opens and closes the Fira – a true anthropological treasure!

The local singers move from the Fira enclosure to Plaça de Sant Pere, where an improvised singing challenge begins that floods the alleys and squares where it passes with joy. The theme of the songs is related to the problems of the city and always has the right to answer, so it can last until the morning. The spontaneity of popular culture is expressed in its purest state.

The Fira takes place between the 15th and 20th of August. There are five days in which the streets and squares of Xàtiva combine various activities, for all types of audiences and that complement Fira, transforming the city into a focus of attraction day and night. 

The musical and cultural proposals are varied so that they can cover all types of audiences. Every day at Fira, in the afternoon and in the evening, there are shows for all tastes. Recently, the Festival de la Cançó  (Festival da Canção) was held again after years of interregnum. This Festival represents a commitment to local music and Mediterranean culture, with the seal of quality. Theater is also a prominent cultural activity, particularly the children's theater, which takes place every afternoon in Plaça del Mercat.

Also noteworthy is the Fira de Xàtiva de Speed Trophy – the oldest competition in Spain, and one of the competitions that still takes place on the urban circuit. The Trophy is carefully organized by the Moto Ruta Xàtiva Club, it has been played continuously since 1951. Currently, they are disputed in four categories, Classics, 80 GP, 80 Series and Supermotard.

In addition to all these activities, the aromas of the medieval market flood the summer of Xàtiva during the Fira celebration. Strolling along the Alameda among the mosaic formed by hundreds of traditional tents, some handed down from generation to generation, is an unforgettable experience. There is a wide range of beverages available (alcoholic and non-alcoholic) – with recipes ranging from the typical aigua-limó to the most surprising proposals


The attraction power of the Fira d'Agost is surpassed every year. If for years it has only concentrated on traditional products, now there are also wooden and clay objects for sale, a wide range of traditional fans, various types of hardware and wild edible foods.

One of the most phenomenal stalls, and which is a delight for the senses, is where Indian figs (Opuntia ficus-indica) are served, as seen in Fira, a familiar craft that has been handed down from generation to generation.


Visiting Xátiva between the 15th and 20th of August is mandatory!

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